99 cents will change your life

Listen. I am not sure how many readers I have in this category, but if you are single guy and need a good scare about your bad habits ... ok your sins and the beast they make of you. If you need to hear an incredible song that threatens the unreality that is Halo 2 (behind the times I am sure ... even though the album came out late 2008). If you want to listen to popular culture rip a piece out of popular culture ... actually you can't really refer to the Drones as pop culture just because they play in a rock band, they are too "depressing" in very non-typical ways for that. So I ruined my plot line a little, but go on i-tunes and buy the song The Minotaur by the Drones. Listen to it two or three times. Then look up the lyrics. Then find out what the Latin at the end means and refers to. And then repent and pray for all your brothers.

Actually, if you are a man you probably need to lay your $0.99 on the barrel head and check your heart before you turn into a bull-headed beast ... cut off from the world and pawing at the surf of your own internal chaos. (aren't blogs made for this kind of dramatic style of writing). The song is about our violent and beastly culture that is like the Roman games of old ... it is the bull who is winning.


Derandk said…
Why do we imagine that baal and all his thievery are relocated to the past? All the while this thief of man's soul masquerades in a cloak of innocent boyhood misgivings. I found the line referring to Philip Morris's use of 'vide vine vice' to be a clever reminder that even what we don't call sin in a 'post' post-modern culture can still destroy our souls.
Derandk said…
Sorry, my veni vidi vici was a little miscued.

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