Selections from Tailspin


Wait for it patiently - annihilation or metamorphosis. 

Marcus Aurelius

(selections from)

Nice Guy

Niceness doesn’t cost anything,

A kinder world full of nice guys.

Fibs and lies. It costs you everything,

Fabricated metal disguise.

Nice is safe, he is caulk in the gaps.

Nice is background, second fiddle.

Monstrous when he snaps.

All the world’s a stage with no middle.

Suburban Regret

The little creek behind my house

holds the sky in morning light.

At mid-day, it's muddy brown,

like my spatter heart.

A sediment highway,

always moving, seldom seeming to.

I am a man playing musical chairs,

changing positions, seldom meaning to.

All my writers and singers

regret what they’ve done

and who they’ve hurt.

I regret regret, unbegun.

OKAY. I Get It.


are Monet’s stone 

bridges--heaven bright

Until nation rises 

against nation.

Borders close.

War is new



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