
Showing posts from July, 2008

funny quote

"Yes, we are much less naked in the face of dread diseases but still ultimately naked in the end." --- Eric Cohen thoughts on his book Shadow of Progress: Being Human in the Age of Technology He laughed a little after he said it ... I think he was actually referring to nuclear weapons and the nearness of even greater forms of death ... but couldn't help but think about our lack of modesty as well.

Married but not working

1st - Read all the scriptures about marriage. Especially 1 Corinthians 7 and make sure you read it for yourself. Paul says: "To the married I give this command - not I but the Lord - that the wife should not seperate from her husband and that the husband should not divorce his wife." Are you taking this very seriously (you, not your wife that is thinking about leaving you or just might do it)? Paul and Jesus don't let you work on your relationship with God apart from following his commands. You can't both "seek God for your life" and disobey his commandments. 2nd - Everywhere in scripture it is understood that the man will work to provide for his wife and children. This does not mean the wife doesn't work (in an agricultural context which was true for some of the portions of the bible, both man and wife are financial partners and have chores and duties in their business), but it does mean that the man must be responsible for it all and make sure his wife

adultrous generation

1. Have you ever heard the idea that post-modernism with its emphasis on choosing reality and relativism and loss off all dogma (because all dogma is just a power play) ... truly leaving us without any viable pattern of existance is really just a big cover for the global empire? Think about it, what does big business and post-modernism have in common? Personal choice. One is theory consumption (as opposed to looking to elders or even to lessons learned over generations) and the other is product consumption. We all think we are lonely kings, deciding morality, style, and vocation ... We think we are individuals, but in reality we are just levers in one vast machine accomplishing someone else's progress. Bob Dylan said it best ... this isn't simple progress, this is SuckSess at its best. 2. I would take the old view of responsibility and duty any day. MEN you are called to make the home safe. You neglect it at your peril. You have no purpose outside of defending vulnerable homes

Jay Percival

I have always liked the name Percival for three reasons: 1. It is the name of one of the famous Knights of the Round Table. 2. It means to pierce the mystery. 3. I love Walker Percy. Today I was doing a little online research about Percival (you guessed it wikipedia) and come to find out he was the knight who found the grail (later with Galahad) and healed the fisher king. The fisher king is the wounded king and his wound has immobilized him and made him impotent to rule. So all he does all day is fish behind the castle. The result is that his kingdom is in ruin and is referred to as The Waste Land. This is what Eliot wrote his famous poem about. Percival heals him by asking him a question: "What ails thee?" or something like that. This blog is given to that question. What ails thee? Since the fall the sacredness of man has been wounded fatally. Christ has made the hope of restoration real, but only if we will stop fishing and recognize our wound ... the Fisher king was wound