
Showing posts from August, 2014

On Revelation

I am re-reading The Idea of Revelation by John Baillie and am really enjoying the short historical reminder in chapter one. Thinking of our our diverse conceptions today: Baillie reminds us that into the seventieth century there were two ways of knowing truth: natural and divine. Reason could ascend to truth and there God also communicated truth to us. But in the seventieth century weight fell to reason and there were those who said revelation was impossible. Others said that revelation was for the impoverished minds who would never ascend to truth through reason, so needed revelation. Meanwhile, you have the protestant reformation who went the other way, the cast out reason as a way of knowing truth and embraced revelation as the only sure thing; saying that with the Fall of Man the reason was lost to corruption. As you get to the ninetieth century there is another movement that tries to take a middle way and reject both as sure ways of truth. Connected to the Romantic movemen

Cate's Post - Cesar Chavez

I was looking through my daughters work from last year (3rd Grade) and thought this was worth sharing with everyone.