
Showing posts from July, 2016

Politically Reactive on Illusion of Post-Racial Society

The latest episode interviews Pastor Michael McBride and to me brings up many important ideas for the conversations we are all having right now. Examples of what is touched on: White as a category is false and is itself a system of oppression. McBride said "God did not create folks who identify as white people as white. God created them: Irish, Polish ... a cultural connection to a land and a place and a story ... whiteness is a creation of modernity." This race hierarchy enslaves all of us. We are not post-racial although many, many people wanted to believe that were when we elected President Obama. McBride says "I tell my white friends, don't you think I want a post-racial society, if I could get one by winking my eye ... " Hari comments that the only thing that has come out of post racial society is the term "post racial society" McBride says "White people need to be delivered from whiteness ... and really reach for the beauty of t