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Sunday March 26 - De Profundis

  Lectionary A – Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm 130 - Out of the depths Ezekial 37:1-14 – Shall these dry bones live Romans 8:61-11 – with the spirit there is peace John 11:1-45 – Jesus wept                Out of the depths I call. This is not mere skeletons in the closet or the attic. It is a valley of dry bones. As if Gettysburg left the dead uncovered and unburied and became a desert. Hard grass and wind and bones. The wound of our nation stitched up wrong or not at all. What Wendell Berry named as our hidden wound.                Why go back this far? Well, it is the only war fought on U.S. soil. It spawned US terrorism which continues today. With the compromise of 1876, the efforts for what some historians call the second revolution were suspended and unfulfilled. They call it that because it culminated in efforts to make true in law what was the aspirations of the declaration of independence. The north had what Robert Penn Warren calls the “treasury of virtue” and with th