Cool Whip People

"The availability, the freshness, the uniform perfection, and absence of demands that we value in Cool Whip we seek in persons as well, and being aware of how widely Cool Whip persons are appreciated, we seek to restyle ourselves in that image. Accordingly, as we remake our personality and appearance to lend them the appeal of availability, we foreshorten our existence into an opaque, if glamorous, surface and replace the depth of tradition and rootedness of life by concealed and intricate machinery of techniques and therapies."
---- Albert Borgmann (The Invisibility of Contemporary Culture)

We are pulp and glamor and this is what dazzling success has done.


Cameron said…
Good stuff!

"...we remake our personality and appearance to lend them the appeal of availability, we foreshorten our existence into an opaque, if glamorous, surface and replace the depth of tradition and rootedness of life by concealed and intricate machinery of techniques and therapies."

We do this with so many things in our present age. People, issues--even the Church and her worship are expected to be Cool Whipped.

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