Morning Routine And Wonder

Picture from D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths
Desert dust. Or Eden mud. Or, in the forests of Finland, ash and alder become man and woman. But this is the primordial beginnings.

Today there is a curly-headed, two foot, quick, agile baby boy who is all of two and one half in his mis-matched pajamas. He easily slams his fists in rhythms on the table, one, then the other, feeling his power, expressing his dominance over the five year old who has to watch the baby show on the computer.

Next he balances his tummy on the edge of the table so he can lean within 4 inches of the screen, its white glow lighting up his little face. When he does this the hand-me-down jammy shirt is too short and shows his lower back.

What a wonder life is. All life. Human life.


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