Avett Brothers

I am not sure all the reasons, but I hate this band. I have tried to listen to them at different times and just tried out their new album on the First Listen show on NPR, but I don't like them. I think its that too-cool-for-school feel they have coupled with their over-the-top sentimental ballads. I don't know anything about playing guitar (don't know how) but I find their pretty sound irritating. On one of the songs, he croons some sweet line and follows it by some bright harmonics and it makes me want to puke. Ok, so I am being a little dramatic. I have friends who like this band, whom I have a lot of respect for their musical selection. I just can't find my way to liking this one, at least not yet.

The other song from an older album that really bugs me is "Brooklyn, Brooklyn Take Me In". Its such a lazy little story that simply repeats the age-old I HEART NY cosmopolitan world-weary traveler, blah, blah. Its just awful.


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