
Showing posts from September, 2024

Jezebel by The Drones

It was almost 20 years ago when I first heard this song and the world tilted. I felt it again driving to get coffee. It was the same explosion that happened when I saw my first Tarkovsky. I didn’t know that anyone could do with film what Dostoevsky did. I didn’t know this medium included anything kin to great literature. I was ignorant, uncultured. Its easy to be with the commercials.   Jezebel by The Drones hit me like that. The first time I heard it I immediately went to the internet (yes, around, but still youngish … lots more written word then). I found an entire essay just on this song. I bet some version of Chrome tied to my email still has it bookmarked.  Its a long song and it covers a lot. He begins with Strontium90 being pulled out of milk from nuclear testing and goes on from there. But he is able to weave news and history into mundane life - hanging out the washing and the haunting chorus I can never quite figure out is a love song: I would love to see you again I wo